以前用Autostarts现在用Autorun Manager Pro
Moto一代神机XT702什么都好,什么都不好,小运存真让人蛋痛啊,面对现在越来越多的APP爱软,不装上几个真的落伍了,爱软装在机,后台齐运行,128M运存哗哗的倒30M,这机还是机么,此时折腾它准没有错,360安全大师,腾讯手机管家,LBE安全大师,金山手机卫士等等都装了,我的嘎嘎,问题没有解决反而更慢了;此时我要的它出现了:Autorun Manager是一款能够管理开机后自动运行的程序,从而释放内存,优化系统,节约电量。
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┃░┣━┳┳┳ ┗━┛This app itself won't open, this just unlocks the free Autorun Manager app. PRO unlocks these features: The PRO key app is equivalent with the donator account, you don't need to buy this if you have already donated. 程序功能: There are many applications that automatically start when you turn on your device; many of these you don't use or need, they just consume your valuable resources. This app sports a basic mode for the regular users and an advanced mode for power users with rooted devices. Autorun Manager in basic mode lets you manage applications that start up when you boot your device. Applications are terminated right after they start, but if the application is programmed to restart itself this can fail. Please note that some applications are written so that they cannot be stopped because of the android system design. These kind of applications are marked as 'self-restarter' and are better to be left enabled. In advanced mode you gain control over all the system-wide events and enable-disable application starts. This is the ultimate solution to control what you want to be started, but you also can break apps, so this feature is only for experienced users with rooted devices. PRO key app is available on the market! 捐赠者和专业用户获得附加功能: |
以前用Autostarts现在用Autorun Manager Pro:等您坐沙发呢!